Fashion Weekly 02

    My fashion news weekly roundup 02

   My favourite sources for fashion news:

Topshop provides students with free membership to BOF professional this allows you unlimited                   access to exclusive articles related to the industry. I highly recommend getting it if you're interested in keeping up with current events. The professional membership also allows you access to their app, which allows you to read the latest articles on the go ( I use it everyday!!). 

BOF also offer really interesting podcasts which are free to listen to through the iTunes Podcast App

Check of my favourite articles from the week:

The Trouble With Digital Advertising

The Old Fashion System Is Setting New Designers up for Failure

Inside the Anything-Goes World of Instagram Fast-Fashion

Farren Fucci’s Hyper-Sexualised ‘Hoesthetics’

Diet Prada Is the Instagram Account Calling out Copycat Culture in Fashion

You can find my last weeks favourites here.


Image from Victorino Campos Spring 2018

Staying Informed on Fashion News

I am back from my (unintentional!) two month hiatus with a new series: Fashion Weekly. In this series I will post a round up of favourite my fashion news articles from that week.

 As a visual communications student, everything I see or read is focused on design. This means I sometimes find it quite difficult to keep up with what is happening in the fashion industry. To resolve this, I have set myself a goal of reading at least one fashion related article a day and I thought it might be interesting to share some with you! 

 Before we get started on my weekly round up, these are my favourite sources that keep me informed on fashion news:

 Business of Fashion is probably my favourite way to stay informed on the happenings in the fashion industry. The content is always of really high quality and is always one of the first to report something new. 
 Topshop provides students with free membership to BOF professional this allows you unlimited access to exclusive articles related to the industry. I highly recommend getting it if you're interested in keeping up with current events. The professional membership also allows you access to their app, which allows you to read the latest articles on the go ( I use it everyday!!). 

Commonly known as "the bible of fashion", WWD is  trade journal that features articles on trends, retail, finance and social media in the industry. 

 The Fashion Law is the best place for legal fashion news. The articles are really interesting and the founder, Julie Zerbo, extremely inspirational and hardworking woman. 

Check out my favourite articles from this week!

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