My fashion news weekly roundup 02
My favourite sources for fashion news:
Topshop provides students with free membership to BOF professional this allows you unlimited access to exclusive articles related to the industry. I highly recommend getting it if you're interested in keeping up with current events. The professional membership also allows you access to their app, which allows you to read the latest articles on the go ( I use it everyday!!).
BOF also offer really interesting podcasts which are free to listen to through the iTunes Podcast App
Check of my favourite articles from the week:
The Old Fashion System Is Setting New Designers up for Failure
Inside the Anything-Goes World of Instagram Fast-Fashion
Farren Fucci’s Hyper-Sexualised ‘Hoesthetics’
Diet Prada Is the Instagram Account Calling out Copycat Culture in Fashion
You can find my last weeks favourites here.
Image from Victorino Campos Spring 2018